Monday, November 12, 2012

How’s your posture?

By Hilde Saele

Posture means “to place yourself.” Your posture is the key to developing momentum in your business. A leader is hungry. It’s your “posture” that determines your thoughts and your thoughts determine your reality. Everyone has a story. Have you asked your team about their full story? Are you able to handle difficult things gracefully? Do you have a “PMA” – Positive Mental Attitude? Do you: make eye contact / focus /have a firm handshake / have confidence when you enter a room?  How do others view you as a business person? Would they follow you? When they look into your eyes do they believe you? I challenge you to have the confidence to say “Join me or watch me do it!” Courage, power and intensity balanced by also being soft and humble is a true quality of leadership. Belief, energy and excitement is also important. The more you have the more people will see it. Prospects have a built in “posture detector” and can see through things. You must show the belief in your business partner, and it starts with you. Remember, your inner voice should say always be saying “I can do it.”

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