Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breaking The Ice

By Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

A smile can be the biggest, easiest ice-breaker because it lets people’s guards down and opens an invitation.
My system is simple: 

1. Build rapport. 
2. Break the ice. 
3. Presentation. 
4. Close the deal.

People make up their minds instantly. We like people who think like us, look like us, dress like us, talk like us and act like us. You always want to look for one fact that both you and the prospect can agree with, such as: weather, economy, family, work, aging. Then look for a second fact you could both agree on. Perhaps this is related to the first. You could use the following 4 word phrases when prospecting:

“Are you ok with…” (ie: the status quo, the economy, living the same life you are living, being overweight, tired, broke,stressed out, etc).
“Well you know how…” (ie: people hate wrinkles, it’s costing more and more to fill up a tank of gas these days, it feels good to be at home with your kids, etc).

Once you get comfortable with asking the right questions after breaking the ice with your prospects, you will see the results. And don’t forget to smile!

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