Tuesday, December 18, 2012

“The Power of Dreaming Big”

By Dale Fawcett, Endeavor III

I've found how vital having a dream is for any of us as dreams are the rocket fuel that drives our passion, and without passion we may as well not get out of bed. 

One of my old friends who knew the power of dreams told me once he'd set a 5-minute timer and make his calls. During his cordial “hello”, he'd do his best to have his friend and contact tell him just one of his or her dreams during that first 5 minutes.  If he couldn't succeed in extracting at least one dream, he'd never mention his opportunity and wish his friend/client a good day, never to sponsor that person.  I'm not suggesting stopping here with Jusuru as everyone needs this product. 

 Everybody in his business loved Jerry as each time he chatted with anyone the first thing he would say is, “Have you achieved your dream yet?”, and would name the exact dream, touching his friend’s heart with action that produced results as much as possible in his networking business.

Jerry did “ok” in that business, as he remembered each and every one of his 1000’s of distributors’ dreams.  He made over $500,000 a month assisting others for quite some time and refused any acknowledgement of his leadership skills.  I believe Jerry's dream was simply to enjoy life to the fullest while helping others, and to live just one more month (as he had so many major surgeries before age 45, his body looked like a patchwork quilt) as he used to joke with us about it. He was 100% dedicated to making others dreams come true before anything else. We loved Jerry.  

Lately I've enjoyed asking my friends, “What's your Dream? And, we can do it together with Jusuru.  Do you realize that Jusuru is the Vehicle your dreams ride on?”  

I also add, “While we are achieving your dreams together, let's look at how Jusuru is the vehicle your community’s dreams ride on.  As you can enroll those in need of an extra $500 or $5,000 a month right at home, enhancing our somewhat sagging economy, and personally use Jusuru to rebuild our community and our country.”

For those who really say they want to empower this world, let's take it to the really big level.  I call it, 'The Dream Big or Go Home Team', not for everyone, or is it?!  I’ll say, “You say you want to change the world on all levels of health and financial freedom, so let’s begin with you and your family and keep moving upward.  Soon one of my dreams is to have so many hardy financially free souls who wish to join us, so that we can say: "Jusuru is the vehicle the world’s dreams ride on”.”  Why not? Dream big or go home, as dreaming big starts with us and our families, and the ripples will touch the world. Time is of the essence my friends.

What is your dream and how can I assist you, my friend?

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