Thursday, October 22, 2015

Encouragement In 140 Characters or Less By Alex Blackwell

I have a confession to make. During a recent meeting, I let my focus drift to my Smartphone. Sitting with the phone placed strategically in my lap, I noticed the total number of text messages sent and received since getting the device two years ago.
Mary Beth is the hands-down winner. We have exchanged 1,338 (and counting) text messages. Andrew, my son, is a distant second with 516, which is good because most of his messages involve a request for money.
With my attention glued to the phone, I took a journey back in time. It was fun to read the messages my wife and I have exchanged. Most messages were about who would pick up our daughter, what was needed at the store, or where to meet at lunch.
It struck me just six months into my journey that in-between the practical messages were ones that offered love, support and encouragement. Scrolling through the messages reminded me that offering encouragement doesn’t have to take many words; it just has to come from the heart. And when it does, 140 characters or less is all that is needed.
Mary Beth sent this text when I was attending my brother’s funeral; his death was unexpected:
I love you. Wish I was there with you.
I received this message after my wife read this post:
Love your post
She sent this text message on an ordinary Wednesday:
Hope your day is going well. Love you.
I have another confession to make: My wife’s text messages are more encouraging to me than the most stirring quote, poem or verse.
I asked some of the most encouraging people I know to share a few of their text messages. My hope is these messages will provide you with comfort and inspiration – in 160 characters or less.
Alisa Bowman | Project Happily Ever After
To a friend who was scared to pitch a story to the Village Voice, I texted:
Elle Sommer | Reflecting a Life
Recently a realor friend was working on a very big deal which was collapsing around her ears. She was telling me how these things usually turn out, everyone would drop out and it would all go to hell in a handbasket! Then around 7 p.m. one evening I sent this text:
Why assume what you don’t want. What would you like to happen? Assume that instead. 
She spent the car ride home mentally picturing all being well. A week or so later the deal was done.
Betsy McKee Henry | The Zen Mama’s Blog
I love texting with my boys away at college or just simple communication throughout the day. My texts are plain ones:
Hope you’re having a great day.
It’s such a great form of communication with boys who are not great at talking on the phone.
Vidya Sury | Going A-Musing
You could use send this text before an exam, interview or competition.
You are strong. I love you and believe in you. Go ahead and do your best!
Paige Burkes |Simple Mindfulness
The forces of the Universe and I are with you. You’re awesome!
Fran Sorin | Awake Create
This is a text written to a friend who is going through a personal crisis:
By being who you are, you’re making an impact on the world. You are a blessing to the world and are loved deeply by all of us.
Melody Fletcher | Deliberate Receiving Blog
I sent this text to a friend who was going through a bit of a crisis and feeling down:
I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You are so beautiful. Strong. Amazing. You shine from the inside out. My God, your light takes my breath away.
Angela Artemis | Powered by Intuition
This was to a dear friend who was working in a horrid environment with a very abusive boss. She was close to quitting without having another job when I sent this. She later found a wonderful new job and left:
When you are about to give up – hang on a bit longer. You never know what wonderful things await you just around the corner!
Tess Marshall | The Bold Life
I sent this today:
Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Winnie the Pooh.
Cathy Taughinbaugh | Treatment Talk
I know you have the discipline, bravery, and inner strength to see this through. Sending love. You can do it!
Aileen Mahoney Evotive Marketing
The following is an actual text for someone dealing with a health issue – lots of doctor’s appointments – no solid diagnosis and mixed results.
Thinking of you, beautiful & radiant being! U R perfect health! UR wellbeing. UR love. Love ur body, see its perfect health & give it loving gratitude. Love You.
Arvind Devalia |
Remember that you are unique. Do not sell yourself short. Do not sell the world short. This is your life – love it, live it. One life, one chance – grab it.
Zeenat Merchant-Syal | Positive Provocations
When a friend is going through a tough time handling a sudden change like -relationship ending, job not working out or just any sourness in their lives I will send a text like:
YOU are amazing & nothing that’s happening is your fault. Count your blessings. You have so many dreams waiting for you. Happiness is right there inside of You!
Harriet Cabelly | Rebuild Your Life
Oftentimes it’s in the struggle/difficulty that we uncover our strengths and abilities.
Jeff Nickles | My Super Charged Life
I was recently helping a co-worker figure out how to overcome some obstacles to get a project he is passionate about off the ground. I sent him a text that said:
Ignore the obstacles that are keeping you stuck. Focus on what you CAN do instead of what you can’t.
It really helped him beat the paralysis he had developed from focusing on the obstacles instead of creating progress
Suzie Cheel |
To a friend facing a health issue:
Take a deep breath in and allow the love to flow.
Ken Wert | Meant to be Happy
It’s almost always the case in the moments before the calm, the storm rages terribly. Stay the course. The clouds will part! And you will be stronger for it.

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