Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jusuru iRep Feature - Nancy Howard - Endeavor 2

Nancy Howard, Endeavor 2, is a single mother with two children and has a background in Psychology and Holistic Health with an interest in Pre-Law Studies. Nancy loved her work and she had an amazing job in a prestigious psychology office, however she walked away from the well-paying, secure position to pursue financial independence for herself and her children. She was aware of the financial risks but she could see the potential and opportunities in achieving her own goals.

She was introduced to Jusuru through a friend who had experienced results from Jusuru Life Blend which inspired her to try the product. Being an "all or nothing" type of person, when she experienced her own product results she was motivated to share the product with others as well as the opportunity to benefit from Jusuru's amazing compensation plan and business structure.

Now, Jusuru is providing Nancy the financial freedom to continue her pursuit towards reaching her goals as well as build on her passion to help people gain mobility and quality of Life. With each new success story, she is driven and inspired to tell the next person. She is growing daily in relationships, financial freedom, and health.

1 comment:

kathy said...

Nancy Howard,well deserves this. I am very happy for her. May God bless you Nancy.


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