We warmly welcome you to the Webinar Wednesday! We appreciate all of you who tune in each week and extend a special welcome to our new listeners. Each week, our goals are to educate you on achieving success through team building, supporting your downline, and maximizing your earning potential with your Jusuru business.
Last week, we started the year with the message to ‘Get Out of Your Comfort Zone’ and ended that discussion by tasking all of you to reach out to your sponsor to learn how to replicate success. That’s what you want to do. We have so many examples of stars, leaders, and inspiring Jusuru iReps that success can be easily duplicated. I’m hoping that you were able to meet the challenge last week. I would like to add on another ‘fruit’ for thought:
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt said, “It is not fair to ask of others what you do not do yourself.”
The message here is that your success and your expectations of either yourself or others begin with you. Your example is the best motivation for your team’s success in understanding the Jusuru Reward Compensation Plan, iRep Office, and Jusuru Life Blend product information. You will and can get what you need from your leaders, by being an example.
If you start with a big goal, for example, like changing the world, it seems defeating. If you aim to change your town, it still seems out of reach. Through growing and learning, again, the process of evolution and becoming better helps you to arrive at a simple realization: the only thing you can change is yourself. Do that and your immediate surroundings will change. When your immediate surroundings and relationships change, it reflects upon your team or community. When your community changes, so does your larger organization. And when your organization changes, you achieve what we denote here as “Enterprise”. Remember, the word “Enterprise” originates in the 15th century and means “an undertaking” (usually a challenging undertaking.) Don’t start with changing the world, start with yourself, and it will inevitably happen. Actually, at Jusuru, it is happening!
This is the last week of the month and this is a big push for you to achieve your next rank. Lead by example and help others on your team achieve their next rank. Train them how to also lead by example. Transfer this mentality and you will be Enterprise- the undertaking that was challenging becomes within reach, and ultimately, you can change your world.
Asma Ishaq
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