Thursday, February 19, 2015

“5 Sales Tips for Direct Sellers” By The DSWA

In sales, the pitch is the thing. Most sales professionals, even many who wouldn’t admit it publicly, think in terms of their presentation being a pitch.

In recent years, there’s been an attempt to downplay that language and to advocate a more interactive style of selling; to ask questions, listen for a need, and present solutions; much more organic and less pushy.
If your presentation of the features and benefits of your program is the pitch, who are you throwing it to… and when?

A baseball pitcher pitches to a batter who is in the batting box and expecting the pitch. The batter not only knows what to expect but is asking for it. He wants the pitch which, once thrown, he can choose to hit or let go by, according to his judgment.
The Direct Sellers Pitch

Many in sales, direct sales in particular, are so carried away by a combination of enthusiasm for their business and eagerness to build a following that they pitch to anyone and everyone even if those individuals aren’t in the batting box.

I’ve personally been hit hard by a few such pitches from enthusiastic direct sellers recently.

5 Sales Tips for Direct Sellers

Regardless of your comfort with the use of the term, make sure you only pitch or present to those who want to hear it.

Here are 5 sales tips for direct sellers that will insure that you’re pitching to a batter rather than throwing balls at an innocent bystander:

1. Ask questions that lead you to know and understand the needs and wants of the individual. While your product may be the best thing since sliced bread and guarantee long life and vibrant health, not everybody cares about those things. Really!

2. Find out what really does motivate that individual. Maybe lowered cholesterol doesn’t speak to them, but having more energy to play with the kids does. Know which priority is theirs before presenting your solutions.

3. Request permission. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve contacted someone in direct sales to talk about one thing only to have that individual start talking at me about how great their product or business model is. Please show some respect for the people you meet by honoring the stated purpose of your interaction.

4. Clarify time constraints. Have you noticed people looking at their watches while you ramble on about your product? Probably not, because you’re not even paying attention to where they’re at. Start every sales presentation, whether formal or informal, with, “I’d love to tell you about XYZ. Have you got just five minutes?” If yes, proceed… for just five minutes! If no, find a time that would work, or just let it go.

5. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you pay attention, you’ll notice when people want to hear about what you’ve got and when they don’t. When you ignore that information, people feel pressured and disrespected, and you lose an opportunity that you could have had later if you’d demonstrated respect.
Be a Direct Sales Professional

If you restrain yourself from throwing pitches at those who haven’t expressly stated an interest in receiving them, you’ll be seen as a respectful, conscious and professional person.

That will engender trust and curiosity, and eventually people will want to know more about what you do. Keep your enthusiasm up and your knowledge available to those who want it, and you’ll magnetize great opportunities to you. Trust the process!

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