Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dreamer vs. Doer—The Great Separator

By Darren Hardy
One thing separates the dreamer and the doer.
It also separates the wishful from the wealthy.
Two people can have the same capabilities,
same hope and same aspiration,
but have radically different outcomes.
How? One acted and the other did not.
ACTION is the great separator.
Right now, there are opportunities, ideas, dreams or aspirations in your life that you know you SHOULD act on, you WANT to act on, but you are afraid to do so.
Oh, you might be excusing your lack of action by your telling yourself you don’t know what to do, how to do it or if it will work out.
I can tell you firsthand, nothing I have ever accomplished had I done before.
I have been in wildly different industries: from the direct selling of environmental products, to real estate, to television, to educational software, to Internet media, to publishing and more.
None of these industries was I educated or trained to be in;
I had no experience in any of them previously—I just jumped in and started. And the outcomes evolved in ways well beyond what I could have planned for or envisioned at the beginning, meaning all the paralysis by analysis is useless anyway because it will never work out as you plan.
The key is to just get started.
Someone said to me recently, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.” That’s the key—just take the first step. Then when you do, take another. One at a time—one after another.
Before you know it you will have risen to the top of an industry, maybe heights you could never have allowed yourself to dream of and set goals for, simply because you jumped in and got started.
That’s all it takes, ACTION.

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